
1. libgtextutils-0.6.1.tar.bz2 설치

> wget -r [tools download page link]

> bunzip2 libgtextutils-0.6.1.tar.bz2

> tar -xvf libgtextutils-0.6.1.tar

2. 해당 폴더로 가서 설치

> ./configure --prefix=/my/local/page/libgtextutils-0.6.1

> make

> make install


3. path 설정 

> pkg-config --cflags libgtextutils-0.6.1

If your file was installed into "/usr/local/lib..." but pkg-config shows
the following error:
  Package gtextutils-0.1 was not found in the pkg-config search path.
  Perhaps you should add the directory containing `gtextutils-0.1.pc'
  to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
  No package 'gtextutils-0.1' found
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/my/local/page/libgtextutils-0.6.1:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
> cp gtextutils.pc libgtextutils-0.6.1.pc
> pkg-config --cflags libgtextutils-0.6.1
-I /my/local/page/libgtextutils-0.6.1/include/gtextutils

4. fastx_toolkit- 설치

> wget -r [tools download page link]

> bunzip2 fastx_toolkit-

> tar -xvf fastx_toolkit-

5. 해당 폴더로 가서 설치

> ./configure --prefix=/my/local/page/fastx_toolkit-

> make

> make install

6. /my/local/page/fastx_toolkit- 폴더에 fastx toolkit들이 설치된 것을 확인


fastx toolkit 의 명령어 실행 시 line 162: gnuplot: command not found 와 같은 오류 발생.

gnuplot 프로그램을 설치해야 함.



1. 프로그램 다운로드

> wget -r [program]

2. 압축을 풀고 해당 폴더로 가서 설치

> tar -xvzf gnuplot-4.6.3.tar.gz

> cd gnuplot-4.6.3

> ./configure

> make

> sudo make install

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