출처: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3512603/compiling-multiple-packages-using-the-command-line-in-java (compiling multiple packages using the command line in Java)

Hi i have been using an IDE but now I need to run and compile from the command line.

The problem is that I have multiple packages and I have tried to find the answer but nothing has worked.

So I have

  Support/ (.java files)
  Me/ (.java files) 
  Wrapers/ (.java files)  

Do you know how to compile everything with javac?

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This should do it (may require additional classpath elements via the -cp command line switch):

javac Support/*.java Me/*.java Wrapers/*.java

But if your build process gets more complex (and it will!), you should look into using Apache Ant for build automation.

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출처: http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=jazz1234k&logNo=40101348073 (jar 파일 만들기, 실행하기 KR)

출처: https://coderwall.com/p/ssuaxa (jar 파일 만들기, 실행하기 EN)

$ javac HelloWorld.java $ echo Main-Class: HelloWorld > MANIFEST.MF $ jar cvmf MANIFEST.MF helloworld.jar HelloWorld.class

$ java -jar helloworld.jar

출처: https://coderwall.com/p/ssuaxa (jar 파일 만들기, 실행하기 EN)

출처: https://blogs.oracle.com/olaf/entry/jdev_including_a_classpath_in (MANIFEST.MF 파일 만들 때)


$ javac -d bin src/.../data/*.java src/.../RNASim/*.java src/.../utils/*.java

를 이용하여 컴파일 후



Class-Path: /home/njkoo/program/RNAseqSim/bin/ /home/njkoo/program/RNAseqSim/includes/commons-math-2.2.jar

Main-Class: edu.unc.csbio.RNASim.MainCmdline

와 같이 입력 후 저장

$ jar cvmf MANIFEST.MF RNAseqSim-version.jar bin/.../data/*.class bin/.../RNASim/*.class bin/.../utils/*.class

를 이용하여 jar 파일을 생성하면

$ java -jar RNAseqSim-version.jar 

명령어를 이용하여 프로그램 실행 가능

혹은 jar 파일을 만들지 않고

$java -cp ./bin/:./includes/commons-math-2.2.jar edu.unc.csbio.RNASim.MainCmdline config.txt

$java -cp /home/njkoo/program/RNAseqSim/bin/:/home/njkoo/program/RNAseqSim/includes/commons-math-2.2.jar edu.unc.csbio.RNASim.MainCmdline config.txt

와 같은 명령어를 그냥 사용하여도 실행 가능.

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