출처: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3512603/compiling-multiple-packages-using-the-command-line-in-java (compiling multiple packages using the command line in Java)
1 2 | Hi i have been using an IDE but now I need to run and compile from the command line. The problem is that I have multiple packages and I have tried to find the answer but nothing has worked. So I have
Do you know how to compile everything with javac? | |||
4 | This should do it (may require additional classpath elements via the
But if your build process gets more complex (and it will!), you should look into using Apache Ant for build automation. | ||
출처: http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=jazz1234k&logNo=40101348073 (jar 파일 만들기, 실행하기 KR)
출처: https://coderwall.com/p/ssuaxa (jar 파일 만들기, 실행하기 EN)
$ javac HelloWorld.java $ echo Main-Class: HelloWorld > MANIFEST.MF $ jar cvmf MANIFEST.MF helloworld.jar HelloWorld.class
$ java -jar helloworld.jar
출처: https://coderwall.com/p/ssuaxa (jar 파일 만들기, 실행하기 EN)
출처: https://blogs.oracle.com/olaf/entry/jdev_including_a_classpath_in (MANIFEST.MF 파일 만들 때)
$ javac -d bin src/.../data/*.java src/.../RNASim/*.java src/.../utils/*.java
를 이용하여 컴파일 후
Class-Path: /home/njkoo/program/RNAseqSim/bin/ /home/njkoo/program/RNAseqSim/includes/commons-math-2.2.jar
Main-Class: edu.unc.csbio.RNASim.MainCmdline
와 같이 입력 후 저장
$ jar cvmf MANIFEST.MF RNAseqSim-version.jar bin/.../data/*.class bin/.../RNASim/*.class bin/.../utils/*.class
를 이용하여 jar 파일을 생성하면
$ java -jar RNAseqSim-version.jar
명령어를 이용하여 프로그램 실행 가능
혹은 jar 파일을 만들지 않고
$java -cp ./bin/:./includes/commons-math-2.2.jar edu.unc.csbio.RNASim.MainCmdline config.txt
$java -cp /home/njkoo/program/RNAseqSim/bin/:/home/njkoo/program/RNAseqSim/includes/commons-math-2.2.jar edu.unc.csbio.RNASim.MainCmdline config.txt
와 같은 명령어를 그냥 사용하여도 실행 가능.
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